Saturday, May 28, 2011

How to make an image into a Seamless Texture

In this weeks tutorial I introduce what a seamless texture is, when it might be used, and how to make a non-seamless texture or image into a seamless beauty. The tutorial itself only goes for about 7 minutes. Short and sweet; but then I attached some random thoughts on to the end; so if you are curious what that is feel free to watch the whole video.

Also because I am a nice guy, and I love seamless textures so much; I compiled a package of 10 seamless textures I made in Filter Forge. You are welcome to download these textures and use them for commercial or personal use. You just can't sell them, redistribute, or bundle them. Also if you mentioned where you got them I would love it.

Anyway here is the link to the textures: Here They are all seamless and 2048 x 2048 resolution. Thanks again for watching and if you have any suggestions or ideas for further tutorials please let me know.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ye Olde Book Tutorial: Part I and Part II

Part 1 of a three part series of how to model, and texture an old looking book. In part 1 I show you how to model the book.

The second part of a three part Blender tutorial helping teach how to unwrap and texture a 3d model. The tutorial goes over some very slick methods of texturing, unwraping, and even baking maps onto a model.

Also the textures used in the tutorial can be found at

Third and final installation in a Blender tutorial of how to model, texture, and render a olde style book. In this part, we cover how to apply color and normal maps to a model, basic lighting and camera set up, and basic scene rendering.

Friday, May 13, 2011

In Depth Review: The Wow Factor

In this video I review the eBook "The Wow Factor" by Andrew price, which is a book that helps teach Blender's composite nodes. This is my first review, so take it for what it is.

More than trying to force my opinions on you; though I do share them, I hope to just present an informative look at what you would get if you purchased the eBook. It is brilliantly laid out, and very clear and beautifully taught; but might not be the content you are looking for; so for a further insight into what you get with the eBook; please watch the video and form your own opinion as to whether or not the product is for you.